Even though our numbers are small, I hope for a day where our religious and environmental protests are heard and actually noticed. Though this is a popular thought of many a Pagan, I wonder how many actually take part in the things that they protest against.
If you have the gall to speak up against something then of course you should be able to back it up with action. Now, many of the things we're against are so far reaching and invasive in our culture that its nearly impossible to avoid. GMO's, pollution, abuse of slaughter animals, deforestation, the list is extensive and avoiding all of these involves being an essential hermit.
So what can we do? Many of us are middle class and are without enough funds to finance a healthier, Earth- friendly lifestyle, so we have to take part in the environmental atrocities we are so against. That's no cause of shame, because it just intensifies the gravity and immediacy of the situation.
But how are we to make change?
Well, the way that I'm planning to make change is by getting into politics, a path that though boring will allow me to stress on vitally important issues for our and the Earth's sustainment. Even if I were somehow successful in getting the power needed to start making changes, I will of course be sensible in its implementation.
The shift toward a greener tomorrow will require a gradual shift. When it comes to the entirety of a country, nothing should be swift and rapid because that only opens the door for reckless behaviors and a knee jerk response, acting without thinking. This will empower opponents to point the finger at how swift footed the changes were, instilling fear in those who want the green way but are more economically focused.
Speaking of the economy, if we were to act in speed, the economy will likely be shocked, radical change with little time to adjust and adapt to it will be the end of the green cause for years to come.
I emphasise the need for slow haste because the reality that even if there were an environmentally focused politician, the slaughter, disrespect, and inhumane abuse of animals will have to continue for the greater good. What is the greater good? We as people of the earth will have to hold knowledge of countless animals and natural areas being violated for the possible outcome of having a sustainable way of living down the road. Its a terrible truth but something that must be dealt with, though with a heavy heart.
Of course, change occurs only when people push politicians to act. On their own I don't believe any politician would risk his or her office for a cause they believed in, especially of it were an unpopular one. With a groundswell of support by people across America, politically minded, green minded, parents, corporations, and religious leaders, change would come swifter than ever. To do that though there would have to be a cultural shift within these areas with precision timing.
The likelihood of this happening is low, unless there is a tragedy, which seems to be the only bell that gets heard in our culture. In any case, on both a religious and secular level, we need to get involved, send letters, sign petitions, take part in activism groups, the like. In other words:
Be the change you want to see in the world
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