Saturday, September 28, 2013

Is Deity Really Perfect?

As a child I always heard that God was the perfect being, that he (coming from a Christian worldview) was capable of no wrong and all from him was righteous. As I grew up and started questioning such premises I began to realize why perfection was such a bad thing.

Even though these experiences and beliefs are solely my own and far from the only way of thinking, its a truth that is right for me at this time. As far as I can tell, with all the wars, disease, poverty, injustice and general negativity, I've come to the conclusion that an active God/dess cannot be perfect. If he or she is so intricately tied to the functions if the universe and earth in specific then he/she/it is a lazy ass and isn't worth my time. *to put it bluntly* However, when one considers the imbalances we see in the world, however bad we may see them to be, the truth is that with life you get a mixed bag of good, bad, terrible and terrific. Because we have this dynamic cycle of deficit and excess, life is able to grow and contract accordingly.

Imagine it like this, if you were to move your arm with five pounds pulling upward, yet gravity was pulling you down with the same force you wouldn't be able to move that arm. Or if the universe were to come forth with a perfectly even distribution there would be no life or beauty; just a stale mix of nothingness.

To have perfection is to have staleness because nothing ever needs to change, everything is always marching with its own monotonous drum. Nothing is ever truly perfect because that's nit the concept with which our universe is based upon. And if there truly is a deity attached to the fabric of the universe then it too is as imperfect as its creation.

You always have people who want to project their vision, hopes and dreams in other people and concepts. This is why American culture has the issue of Deifying athletes, celebrities and politicians to such inhuman standards, they expect too much from so little. The same is especially true in religion, where you have billions of people who are free to adopt, alter, make up, or push on others any way of thinking for their own gain. They're some who are victim card holders and adopt a God who will always take care of any harm or wrong done in the world. When things don't go right its because of some outside force and almost never a misjudgment on their part. You also have people who are independent and acknowledge both the good and bad done as being their own responsibility. Having a religious beluef just gives more hope to them as they live their life.

This is the great imperfection of life, not having a cohesive mix of ideas and belief structures, which fuels debate, yet another product of imbalance.

We are graced with the gift and curse of imbalance, never having enough or just the right amount, but through this constant turmoil of need and want, have and have nots, change is able to occur. The fierce explosion of change may occur where we do our damndest to ensure that things are done to their best, which will never be, but that's not the point. The point of this crazy imbalanced world is to try and bring change when we see it needs to be done. To have the honor and civility to say that even though things aren't right that doesn't mean it has to stay that way.

This, my friend, is what I mean by perfect imperfection, chaos is the beginning and end, we just try to adjust to it. By this constant adjusting, we thus prove that Deity in whatever form cannot actually be perfect.

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