A significant aspect of the Pagan experience involves the use of rituals and offerings in celebration and communion with Divinity. Though there are many reasons for one doing rituals, it is one of many reasons we decide to do it, and its quite an uplifting practice for all which partake. I recall my first ritual being one to celebrate the first anniversary of my conversion. It was a dedication ritual that I did on my patio after my mother left for work I believe. Now that I think back on it I laugh at how run down it was compared to what I do now, but in another five years I suppose I'll be thinking the same exact thing. My life dedication ritual was done this past October, and was the permanent conversion celebration that will stay for as long as love lasts as I said before the Divine. My offering was my dedication to them, leaving behind my old ways and fully realizing my potential to the Divine. Right now I'm still in the process of merging my spiritual self with my everyday self so that I can have such a realization and I'm making leaps and bounds so long as I stay true to my convictions.
On everyday occasions when I have a ritual to perform that doesn't have the same gravity I normally give an offering of one kind or another. Be it milk, some fruit- which is my more popular offerings, or peanuts, I always try to give something back to the Divine to show respect and my love for them. Its not a mandatory thing, but something I choose to do every now and again just to say thanks. Some have the misconception of thinking that we give offerings to please the gods lest we be cursed by them or anger them, but this isn't the case. There are some sects out there that hold this view, but in my practices and certainly when it comes to my Wiccan kin I know this isn't the case.
So what should a practitioner give as an offering? Well that depends on you to be honest. Many may say you should give this or that for whatever reason, but I favor the use of giving what you feel is right to give. Remember, its not like you'll anger any Deities by not giving them something, you don't have to give anything at all if you so choose. What truly matters is the heart and actually caring and living them for whatever reason you hold. Occasions come in my practice where I leave my offering bowl in storage and just do the ritual itself. Do I feel guilty? Nope. Do I think the Goddess would be sad? Heck no! Because she and all Divine forms know that as I enter my space and worship them that I give the most potent and powerful offering- love. It is through my love that I hold their faith and from my love that others who know me see them.
This wasn't so a few years back, when I felt complelled to give something every ritual, feeling as if they certainly would be angry with me, but slowly that outlook changed to a more light hearted feeling of laxness. However, depending in the ritual itself I may change what I give to fit the occasion. For example, I did a blessing of a creek that's near two of my ritual areas and gave an offering to the creek in the form of a stone. Its purpose was to continually bless the water and everywhere it went, for every day that the water washes the stone it flow and be blessed for an entire moon. So I believe that the creek is blessed for at least five years or so, which is great. For this past Mabon I gave offering of peanuts so that the wildlife may be fed for the coming cold, you need to be flexible with these things, lol.
When giving something up its of course important that you not break the bank. A lot of us Pagans are young and the struggle is real so minimum wage is a cruel reality for most. Don't try so hard to praise Divinity that you blow up money for food or something like that; lavish religious spending is okay, but too much of any good thing turns bad.
All in all, remember that offerings are not a mandatory thing and that you don't have to give one in order please the Gods. If you do decide to give then give from the heart and not because a site on blank.com said to, offerings you think have more potency anyway. And lastly, it not a competition, Deity is a loving force that understands our woes and our smiles, be genuine, and then you will know the Gods smoke upon your face. Okay? :)
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