Its only a matter of time before people of the faith begin to divide themselves further than they already have in the past generations. One thing that always struck a chord with me pertains to the rise of fundamentalism seen in every faith; those who wish to go back to the roots of their faith and in some ways resist the modern perception and teachings of it. All in all it can be good, but as we see on a weekly basis on the news, it can lead to destructive change that can seriously slander a faith [Afghanistan War]. So as it concerns Paganism, could this change to ecological conservatism be a good or bad thing?
**Note: I realize that not all of Pagan teaching deals with the environment, its simply that specific aspect of covering now.**
Think about if there were people protesting the construction of Wal*Mart, or pressuring local officials to slow down the development of condominiums in a neighborhood, all in the name of the environment. I would personally applaud such things being that I grew up in a state known more for its rural pleasantries opposed to bustling city buzz. Shooting off from development and expanding into everyday life, imagine where there was a large religious movement within industrial nation concerning global warming, use of animals in pharmaceuticals, etc? In my mind it would be an oh so grand occurance, but should this happen? Lets not forget the fact that many of our nature based beliefs steer away from economic development. Use of oil and gas (global warming), further building of industry and modern housing complexes (deforestation), ""modern"" (heavy quotes intentional) farming (water, soil, food pollution-pesticide use-) In many ways we are quite decentralists and would be the bane of those who promote current economic trends and ventures.
This isn't even bad because as far as I can tell its something that allows for a conversation on the very fabric of what our economy is based upon and asks that it be more health-concious. The way many of our nations do business is killing everyone on this little marble and we're only provided one planet that we can't even care for. We as a faith may care for it, but I feel that many of us, including me, do so little to protect it that its essentially a slap in the face of nature. I understand that they're many things holding us back and that none of us eco-Pagans don't want to harm the planet as we do now, but something has got to give. The sentiment is nice and much appreciated by the Mother but we should back it up with action. I don't mean that we become militant but that we realize the roots of the faith we have and do something. This hails back to Pagan fundamentalism because I feel as if many of us who are in large part young folks with little money to speak of are primarily talk with little action. If it comes to posting about saving the environment on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or Instagram we're all for it, but when the calling comes I feel that many of us grow silent for our own reasons.
They're plenty of us who are under the radar for example and have little if any hopes of fully showing who we are faith wise, some live under the threat of homelessness if they were revealed or being ostracized by their family. I understand this, but for those who don't live under this sword the reasons for inaction become inexcusable and contrary to their faith. Anyone can call hypocrite on me saying how I'm doing nothing, but I have plans of getting into government to change things myself with the help of the people. The reasons for it are religious and secular and quite time consuming, but I have a video here that explains my plans for changing the way we do things as a nation. Right now I believe we are modern eco-Pagans, off shoots that are just as valid as those who are more outspoken and committed in their faith but without the aspect that allows us to be more heard from an ecological and economical standpoint. I admit I could always be wrong, but for now that is my thought.
Our way of thinking in the political/religious realm could change our respective countries for the better if we were to rise up and start fighting tlfor the change that we want to see in the world. It could also be tragic if it is taken too far and could hinder millions and slander our name if not used with a heaping helping of balance and knowledge to keep is in check. Us being children of the technological age restricts and helps us in many ways if we would just stand up and fight and not lie down. It takes a hint of militarism, but not the violent kind we see some dedicants practicing, but a peaceful one that shines a mirror in the face of those who would debate otherwise. I believe that the best way for us to get on the pedestal is to be peaceful protestors and not the zealots we see everyday by circus news stations that promote faux news.
Acting soon, swiftly, and with plenty of sense could win us and the Mother and Father plenty if we just rake the helm before us and start marching in the name of the Divine.
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