Perhaps its due to my edges with Christianity that I became so blinded as to the spiritual needs that I have yet to quench, the pain and enequality that I endure and witness online and in life that clouded my vision. I've decided that it makes no sense to constantly rant and rave about the need for increased dialogue between the two faiths and try to create peace. After an epiphany of sorts, I've seen that before we can even get into talking about being better with other faiths that we need to look in our own faith and resolve how we treat other practitioners. Its not as if we can have a kumbaiya moment, but the amount if shaming, infighting, and needless bickering between our varied factions is unbecoming of us as practitioners of balance, peace, love and compassion. As an individual practitioner who feels wronged by my first faith, I feel that I have many scars from it and because of that its led ne to focus more on them than on me and my own spirituality as a whole. It would be a good thing of Christians would stop trying to roadblock us and protest everything we do in the name of their God but at the end of the day you can't stop a bird from flying lest you break its wings. In other words, one direct method of resisting their protesting ways would be to mirror their own actions- not the only way, but a way that would egg a response from others in general though doing that would make us no better than them.
What I think we is simply ignore them, those who seek to guilt trip us into damnation aren't real Christians for one, but false claimers who claim a truth they do not live. We should just live as we do and simply take the high road when they come to be ignorant. Acknowledging the fake ones would be like giving a bully attention, you simply invigorate his stupidity and senseless actions. By showing no care as to their protests we invalidate them by default so that they go from false practitioners of Jesus' teachings to mere rambling children that whine on topics they have no power of. Its but one way to deal With them, but I feel that this constant public relations campaign some of us to is simply a waste of energy. Do as you will, sure, but it is just a suggestion from one Pagan to another.
Of course not everything is one-sided, we have plenty of practitioners on our side who not only play the victim but are ready in a snap to target and attack Christians as well as "Christians". This needs to be stamped out because it delegitimizes our ways and our very own teachings. Force is not a good option, and I believe that foe the most part we do a good job of self regulating our brothers and sisters to not be as ignorant as the others. However I believe that we should be more open to those who like me have scars but unlike me as they have deeper wounds that cause trouble with their mindset. A sense of openness and acceptance is key to closing such wounds and promoting a more peaceful and balanced world outlook.
We have a lot more pressing issues to focus on, a lot more people who would welcome a different perspective, a lot more important political, environmental, and societal changes we could make instead of worrying what group wants to raise hell over our views. Let them embarass themselves, but focusing on those dedicated to misunderstanding us is a waste of time. Now don't get me wrong, they're a plenty a Christian who actually live the tenants of their faith, and to them I am thankful. People who accept our differences with open hearts and open minds with no intention of focus blasting us into their ways. But even then, you have to work on the innards of the house before you work on the issues in the yard.